How do I keep my indoor cat entertained?

How do I keep my indoor cat Knowing how to entertain indoor cats starts with creating a stimulating environment for them. Sometimes it’s as simple as rearranging your space, but you may need to get more creative and add some new cat-friendly furniture items to your home.  A few ideas for turning your home into […]


CHEF GUAU REAL NUTRITION IS THE MOST INTELLIGENT WAY TO FEED YOUR DOG Now in Pawfections Love is the most beautiful language in the world, and most of the time, it does not even need words. Just with a smile or looking each other in their eyes, you can understand what one needs. That is […]

Routine healthcare for dogs

Routine healthcare for dogs Checking for signs of ill health You should check your dog each day for any signs of illness. These might include the following: Changes in behaviour Loss of appetite Drinking much more or less than normal Lack of energy/sleeping more than usual Coughing Runny eyes or nose Signs of pain, such […]

Signs your cat needs to go to the veterinarian

Signs your cat needs to go to the veterinarian Regular check-ups are important for your cat’s health. These regular pet examinations keep your cat caught up on vaccinations and catch early signs of disease. There are times, however, that your cat may exhibit certain symptoms, and you aren’t sure whether they require a trip to the veterinarian […]

The Importance of Pet Vaccinations

The Importance of Pet Vaccinations Pets should be vaccinated to protect them from many highly contagious and deadly diseases. Experts agree that widespread use of vaccines within the last century has prevented death and disease in millions of animals. Even though some formerly common diseases have now become uncommon, vaccination is still highly recommended because […]

How to Choose the Best Food for Your Pet

How to Choose the Best Food for Your Pet Good pet health begins with good nutrition. There are several factors to consider when choosing the best diet for your pet. The number one consideration is age. Puppies and kittens, adult dogs and cats between the ages of one and seven years, and older dogs and […]

Routine Health Care of Cats

Routine Health Care of Cats Simple measures, such as checking for any ear discharge, attending to dental care and feeling for external lumps, are an important part of routine healthcare. Annual health checks, which can be done at vaccination time, are strongly recommended and are particularly important for cats over eight years old. Keep your […]

How Owning a Dog Can Improve Your Health

How Owning a Dog Can Improve Your Health Have you ever had the pleasure of having a dog as a pet? Are you aware of the many health benefitsthat owning a dog can bring? I am a bit biased I suppose because I have always loved having a dogaround the house, but I find it […]

Are you allergic to something? We explain how to choose your ideal dog.

Differences between Non-Hypoallergenic Dogs and Hypoallergenic Dogs Even though the differences between non-hypoallergenic dogs and hypoallergenic dogs may not be huge, they are enough to reduce the amount of allergy attacks that people have when they are around certain breeds of dog. For those who want to own a dog, not being able to be […]

The importance of bathing dogs

Bathing your dog when needed is an important part of general pet care. For dogs with healthy skin and a healthy coat, the most common reason to bathe is to remove an unpleasant odour or because they’ve accumulated dirt on their coat. The benefits of bathing can include cleaning the skin and coat which helps […]