How do I keep my indoor cat

Knowing how to entertain indoor cats starts with creating a stimulating environment for them. Sometimes it’s as simple as rearranging your space, but you may need to get more creative and add some new cat-friendly furniture items to your home. 

A few ideas for turning your home into a kitty enrichment haven include: 

Provide spaces for hiding. This can be as simple as providing a cat tower and enclosed cat bed that features a cat-cave design.

Provide a quality cat scratching post to help save your furniture (and your sanity!) 

Consider creating a ‘catio’ to provide a safe place for your indoor kitty to explore the outdoors safely. As the name suggests, this is a custom cat enclosure built outdoors. Pet owners often use their backyard for this, but a balcony can work too. 

Make the most of your windows by setting up a cat hammock right next to it, or on it, if you get one with suction cups. Windows are a perfect spot for people-watching and sunbathing.

Set up a secure pet tent on your balcony or backyard. This may sound like a strange camping accessory, but opting for a transparent mosquito net-like design ensures that it’s both secure and breathable.

Setting up a cat climbing wall is an excellent use of space. If you have unused space on your walls, adding a few cat-climbing platforms is perfect for adventure cats who love to be up high.

Turn any extra spaces in your home into a stylish cat bedroom. Whether it’s under the stairs or in the cupboard, you can even fit a custom pet door to allow easy entry then fill it with plenty of toys and their favorite cat bed. 

Opt for a cat-proof fence to turn your backyard into a kitty-safe lounge spot. 

Stairs provide endless hours of fun, particularly if you have two cats who love to chase each other, but if you don’t have any in your house, you can always provide some pet stairs leading up to spots they find hard to reach.

Toys that keep your indoor cat entertained

Most vets recommend a minimum of 15-30 minutes of play per day, which is for both exercise and bonding. Play is important to keep your kitty in tip-top shape and mentally stimulated. 

Toys are a great way to do both, but choose toys that will give your cat a workout and require personal input from you so that you’re more involved in your cat’s play. These toys don’t need to be expensive; some of the best cat toys out there are also the most classic – think feather cat rod and catnip mouse. 

Activities for indoor cats

Provide cardboard boxes

Moggies famously love a good cardboard box. With a playhouse this attractive, you’ll never need to throw one away ever again!

It’s particularly a good idea to collect a few of different sizes. Our feline friends just love the challenge of squeezing themselves into the smallest spaces possible.

Set up a cat square

Just as fun for owners as it for the feline, behold the mystery of the cat square. This fun activity involves using tape to outline a box shape or two on your floor. Then, wait to see if your kitty will sit in it. 

You’ll likely find even in the tiniest of space, your cat will be up to the task, even if it takes them a little while to give it a go.

Much like the challenge of squeezing themselves into tiny, real boxes, a cat square works because it brings out your feline’s natural behavior. Cats love to hide and feel secure in small spaces.

Set up a window bird feeder

There’s nothing a cat likes more than chasing birds but, if they live indoors, providing them with some stimulating bird activity could pose a challenge. 

Enter the window bird feeder, which also happens to entertain you and any kids in the household too. It’s effectively a birdhouse that sticks to your window’s exterior, entertaining the residents inside.

Enjoy a spot of indoor fishing

How do you entertain indoor cats that love to fish? Set them up with their very own fish pond, of course! Before you feel dread at the thought of setting up an ambitious indoor water feature, rest assured that the wonders of technology are here to help.

First off, you can download apps for cats including ones specially devised for fishing. Watch your cat paw at the screen and try to catch their own virtual fish.

If you’d prefer something more tangible, however, there are also some fish-related toys and games, including their very own pond game complete with robotic fish. 

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