Routine Health Care of Cats

Simple measures, such as checking for any ear discharge, attending to dental care and feeling for external lumps, are an important part of routine healthcare. Annual health checks, which can be done at vaccination time, are strongly recommended and are particularly important for cats over eight years old. Keep your cat trim and in shape – obesity can reduce life expectancy. Keeping your cat indoors at night can help to reduce the risk of road accidents. Daily grooming is particularly important for long-haired cats to avoid matting but is beneficial to all cats, and provides an opportunity to examine your pet. Start by doing a little at a time, and try to do areas such as the belly, under the tail and around the hind legs.


Reduce stress – cats can be easily upset by noise, or harassment by other cats or animals. You can help by making sure that your cat has plenty of “retreats”, such as a “one cat sized” shelf up high, or a box to get into. Make sure that other cats cannot enter your home. You can now get cat flaps that can read a microchip and ensure that only the resident cat gains entry. If you have more than one cat, provide several feeding places, water bowls and litter trays. However, you will need to consult your vet about other important healthcare measures for your pet.

It is also important to vaccinate your cat every time it is necessary so that it does not contract diseases easily…

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